Cosmetic Dentistry

Crowns and Bridges

A dental crown is a single-tooth restoration which covers completely over a broken or decayed tooth. It provides strength and support to previously damaged teeth.
Crowns can also be a cosmetic procedure where it helps improve the overall esthetics of your teeth and smile.


A veneer is a thin custom-fitting covering that covers only the front of a tooth. They are typically made of thin porcelain which are then bonded to the front of a tooth with a special adhesive. The overall effect creates an esthetic smile with a minimal amount of tooth preparation.

Teeth Whitening

Over time, teeth may discolour where they start to look darker and dull coloured. To improve your smile, teeth whitening can help to make your teeth look more white and brighter.


Invisalign is an innovative method that allows the dentist to align your teeth using clear aligners. It is an alternative to the traditional braces with wires and brackets. The aligners are made of a thin, transparent medical grade plastic that are barely noticeable.

Oral Surgery

When a tooth becomes a severely decayed, broken, or loose, removal of the tooth will be needed. Our office provides simple and complicated extractions of teeth, as well as wisdom teeth removal.


Dentures are false teeth that are custom-made to restore the smile and function. They should snuggly fit inside the mouth being supported by the oral tissues and teeth. We aim to to help our patients attain their natural looking smile by personalizing your dentures.


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